Friday, April 25, 2014

Squash cauliflower sprouted lentil bread ...

Butternut squash fries

So - who knew about all these vegetables before???

Not me ...

Now, I walk through the produce aisle, searching for new veggies, google how to cook them and then try and often fail ...

This was my first success with butternut squash and the boy ..

It looks like sweet potato so I cut it into fry shapes and baked it the same was I do fries. He ate a plateful of these when I called them sweet potato fries  but when I gave him baked butternut squash, he was having none of that ..

Go figure ...

Dinner was these fries, cauliflower, raw cheese and then a pear. He did not eat his beef today and that was fine with me ...

I am still in utter shock that his right premolar is a white tooth now ... I keep staring into his mouth at every chance I get ... stare and stare in amazement .. if often catches food so does not look white very often but all the same I stare at it ...

I told him that he was doing such a good job with his teeth today and he smiled at me so proudly ...

A is now confident that the left premolar will lose it's black spot .. I near fell off my chair when he made that declaration .... what???? My husband, who fought me long and hard on this voodoo bullshit now claiming that in 2 months the left premolar will be a white tooth ..

Too much shock for 2 days ...

In other news, L loves lentils and I like them too. But they have phytic acid, so I sprouted them to the point some started getting secondary roots ... 

Then I made it into Indian Rajma with whole spices, cinnamon, pepper corns, cloves, cardamom pods. I skipped the tomato and onion. I make it into a soup with whole raw milk and bone broth and serve with raw cheese ... HE LOVES IT. For dessert he gets sweet potato bread with a sparing smear of jelly and brown cheese.

I will try cauliflower bread today .. I ground it

Baked cauliflower mash
  Here is baked celeriac

Will post an update on how the bread turns out. I made a powder of sprouted dried lentils

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Progress perhaps?

This morning was a little bit of a disaster. L's sleeping is a little off and so he is sleep deprived and hence very prone to tantrums.

He is also having a constipation issue which I need to figure out as he is eating very well.

Anyway, this morning he threw a fit so he did not get his TV show, neither his treats. I made him a smoothie (spaghetti squash, celery, carrot, dates, apricot and candied ginger + bone broth + komboucha) and I gave him a ghee+coconut+raw honey concoction I made up to make sure that he is getting enough Vita K to compensate extra Vit D to counteract Vit D poisoning if we are at higher levels of Vit D and I probably the only one who understood that .. Anyway ...

He said he did not like it, blah .. I explained that it has potassium and magnesium and calcium and fiber and even though he does not like it, he must have it. He has started to listen to this logic and now will eat something he does not like if I say it is healthy ... so he had the smoothie ..

Then his ghee sweet.

Then fish oil

Then homeopathic meds for teeth/bones/congestion.

Then I brushed his teeth and began flossing as usual ...

We were so late and Are was pacing around ... but no compromise on brushing and flossing ..

His lower jaw has the bigger cavities and I pay special attention to the premolars as they are such that they trap a lot of food. As I flossed his lower right premolar, something came up in the floss which looked weird .. hmm ... I knew what he had eaten and this did not look like it .. it kind of looked like a bit of carrot .. well, he ate it last night so perhaps some was left over from my flossing and brushing? I ran the floss through again .. and something else hardish and whitish /yellowish/orangish came up.... hmmm.....  WHAT is going on?

OHMIGOSH!!! Is this his tooth enamel? Is it crumbling? Are his teeth getting worse?

I sat him up, put all the lights on in my bright kitchen and looked closely at the tooth..... It looked white and beautiful and felt hard but the part that had the black spot on it IS GONE???? I shook my head trying to clear it ...

Looked again ...

Yup, just white tooth there ...

Deep breath ....

I called Are over, I know we are late, but I think I am losing my mind, can you please look? Am I losing my mind?

Are confirmed that there was no black on the tooth anymore, just white enamel. He told me that as he was brushing Leif's teeth last night he thought that a bigger piece of the blackish enamel came out and he repeated what he has been saying for days now, his teeth are looking really good ...

I will take pictures of his teeth today.

Here is what his right premolar looks like - see the indentation in what looks like a beautiful perfect tooth? Thats what his looks like ...

Picture from this website:

This was one of the websites I was pointed to by various hippie mothers ...

I remain ever watchful though as I am terrified that his teeth are worsening on the inside. Every day I check his gumline and watch him carefully to make sure that he is not in pain ....

Sept 15th is when we go for our next set of xrays and will know ... if we make it to then, I think we are out of the woods ...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Still plodding on ...

We are still grain free at home with the exceptional meal with rice. I have tried various meals, various grain free breads .... most of them bombed because I use fresh coconut flour which is too moist.

L told me yesterday that he was having pain and pointed to his gum on the top jaw and his TMJ area. His gums feel and look good so I am not sure if he is really having pain or if he was trying to get a reaction as he did not say it again and was his usual self ....

We remain vigilant for any issues though .. gulp ...

I tried sweet potato and fresh coconut bread yesterday.

whipped egg whites
 Folded in the sweet potato and egg yolks

This loaf had extra baking soda and it bombed ...

But, the other half in which I actually followed the recipe - more or less, came very nice:

Here is what the slices look like ... If toasted, they are strong enough to left up and hold cheese, but for the beef patty, we wrap them in foil to give the structural to hold up.

The beef cakes with liver

I made egg and pumpkin wraps - not so popular with him ...

They tasted good though

I also give him a mix of ghee+fresh coconut+raw local honey. Ghee contains Vitamin K which helps in case of Vitamin D poisoning, coconut has fiber and the raw honey helps with allergies, and the boy loves it ..
Fresh coconut. I buy coconuts from BJs, scrape all 3 at the same time and freeze all the meal in boxes to be used later.

Homemade ghee from org, grassfed butter

Raw local honey

I added a little cocoa powder in this batch. Usually I add cardamom, but I wanted to switch things up a little and Are asked for cocoa. I gave in, even though cocoa has phytic acid, but he gets a teaspoon of this daily, so it is not too bad

Squash waffles - eggs +baked squash puree + coconut flour + vanilla = waffles Weston Price could have eaten

Squash puree

Eggs + squash + coconut flour

Ta da!! Waffles ... he loves these! They freeze very well.

Demise of yet another bone broth jar

Bottom cracked open

I actually saved some of this broth. I took out the broth popsicle, washed it to remove any possible glass shards but melting the outside layers of the broth


Cloud buns or whatever -  these came out really, really, really well .... looks and feels *just* like bread ... however, not much fiber - but awesome for a treat ..
Whip egg whites into stiff peaks

Mix yolks and cream cheese

Fold in

Gently scoop into prepared pan without losing the air beaten into the whites. Very sticky so need  parchment paper.

These were GREAT!! Freeze very well too ...