Thursday, April 12, 2018

The biggest root canal tooth falls out

This was the tooth that the dentists said would have to have a root canal ... 

Well, the decay fell out , leaving behind a half tooth that survived in his mouth for 2 years, finally falling out about 2 years ahead of schedule. 

The new permanent tooth has started to come up. We are now cavity free as the upper teeth has small cavities that also fell out. All his permanent teeth are healthy. We go to the dentist every 6 months. 

We have done what every dentist told me was impossible.

2014 xrays


July 2015

Tooth with the dark spot in his lower left jaw is the tooth with the huge cavity ..

Cavity is starting to fall out, tooth has started to chip.



Lower right tooth loose. This is the tooth with the smaller cavity which fell out, leaving a partial tooth.

His left premolar - the tooth that was deemed to be impossible to save falls in 2018!!

Was it luck? Sure, we had some luck .. was it only luck? Dont think so ... 

Diet does make a difference to your teeth. 

Teeth are like bones, they are alive, have nerves and blood supply .. 

You can change your diet for your bones, so why not your teeth?

This was not easy but our health has improved so much going on this diet .. not only have our teeth benefited bu so has our overall health.

I have a cavity in my wisdom teeth that my dentist told me was very large and would have get filled .. well, that was 6 years ago, and I followed the exact same routine as my son ... my cavity is on the inside so my tooth is whole on the outside, no pain and I have let it be ...

I contact Sally Fallon at Weston Price and emailed her pictures of my son's tooth that finally fell out. She asked if she could publish our story in their magazine .. I said sure ... never followed up with her so dont know if it was published or not ...